If you are interested, please see our Music Director, Elisa Hughes,
or email her at [email protected].
In their statement Sing to the Lord: Music in Catholic Worship, the American Bishops said:
“God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises. As St. Augustine says, “Singing is for the one who loves.”
Music is therefore a sign of God’s love for us and of our love for him. In this sense, it is very personal. But unless music sounds, it is not music, and whenever it sounds, it is accessible to others. By its very nature song has both an individual and a communal dimension. Thus, it is no wonder that singing together in church expresses so well the sacramental presence of God to his people.”
At Holy Family Church, the Music Ministry is an integral part of our liturgical worship. Whether it’s through involvement in one of our choirs, leading singing as a cantor, or participating as a member of the congregation, everyone is encouraged to be active in our music ministry.
Our Adult Choir sings at the 11 A.M. Mass from mid-September through the Feast of Pentecost. They also sing for Christmas, Holy Week, and other major festival occasions in the life of the parish. The Choir maintains an extensive repertoire of modern and traditional choral music to complement our liturgies. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. The ability to read music, though helpful, is not required. For more information, please contact Robert Todd.
As part of our renovation in 2010, Holy Family installed a new Rodgers Organ as part of its vibrant music ministry. This custom-built 4-manual instrument, the company’s Opus 2448, has a specification designed by Organist Robert Todd and has been voiced by Dan Miller, Product Manager from Rodgers Organ Company, Hillsboro, OR.
The instrument was installed and is maintained by Central Music of Clearwater. The specifications can be found here. The organ was given in honor of Anthony & Mary Napolitano.
Holy Family Choir was broadcast on the Spirit FM’s program “Sacred Classics”
On January 31, Holy Family parishioners who listened to this weekend’s broadcast of Spirit FM’s Sacred Classics were pleasantly surprised to hear our own Choir featured in a segment of the program. The Choir took part in a choral festival six years ago and, unbeknownst to them, the producer of the program was in attendance and recorded their performance. Sacred Classics originates locally, but has been on the air for 30 years and is carried by radio stations around the world. Holy Family is fortunate to have such a dedicated group of volunteers who work to add beauty to our liturgies. We congratulate them for being selected for the broadcast and thank them for their service to our parish.
Click Here to Listen: Holy Family Choir- Arise My Love
Our parish also has a Children’s Choir which is open to all children in the parish who are registered either in Holy Family School or Faith Formation programs, grades 3 through 8. The Children’s Choir sings once a month during the school year, usually at the 4:30 Saturday afternoon or 11:00 Sunday morning Mass; for the parish Festival of Lessons & Carols; for the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass; First Communion, and other events in the life of the parish.
The children have the option of attending an afternoon rehearsal on Mondays (2:15 – 3:00pm) or an evening rehearsal on Thursdays (7:00 – 7:45.) They only need to attend one rehearsal or the other, not both. The week before they sing at Mass, both sections of the Choir are combined at the 7pm rehearsal on Thursday evening so that they can practice with each other and the accompanist. The choir is directed by Robert Todd.
Click Here for the: Childrens-Choir-registration-2019-2020 to download the registration form to your computer as a WORD document. ou can then open the file, enter the information, and email the completed file to the Music Office.
Childrens-Choir-registration-2019-2020. YComplete the form by hand and return the hard copy to the Music Office.
Holy Family is fortunate to have dedicated singers who are willing to spend time in individual preparation as leaders of singing for our public worship. Because of the leadership involved in this ministry, an audition and the ability to read music are required. Cantors are provided with music and materials in advance and are afforded the opportunity to rehearse with the Music Director. If you would be interested in assisting the parish by serving as a Cantor, (especially for the 7:30 A.M. Mass on Sundays!), please contact Robert Todd. Upper: Bill Cote, Pat Hilley, Sarah Bode, Angela Kelly Lower: Barbara Day, Noel Pittman, Ashley Lehkram Not pictured: Anthony Gruber, Sarah Gruber, Susa Hanks, Susan Lenning, & Evan Wilmott
Click the video to hear Fr. Tapp singing Libera Me at mass earlier in the year. Enjoy!
Read Bill Cote’s (2005) Confessions of a First-Year Choir Member!
Are you new to the area? Are you just coming back to the Church? Do you come to mass alone? Do you want more connection with your parish community? Do you want to join a ministry or group but can't commit much time? Do you like to sing, but think your voice is just "ok"? Then consider joining the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Folk Group!
*lead and support singing at 9 a.m. mass
*require no auditions
*practice at 8 a.m., before Sunday mass
*have a sign-out sheet if you will be away
Benefits? You'll
*be involved in and give back to your parish
*always attend mass with friends
*feel connected to others in the parish
*commit only 45 minutes before mass to practice
If this ministry sounds like a good fit for you, contact Pam Ferguson at [email protected] (put Folk Group in the subject line), or speak to Pam (or any other Folk Group member) before or after mass. As the song says, "All Are Welcome"!
Ms. Elisa Hughes, Director of Music
Ms. Pamela Ferguson, Folk Group Director
727.526.5783, ext. 18